Funds & Fundraising
Funds Provided to each School Council
Operations, Parent Engagement and Outreach
Each School Council receives $1.25/full-time student (min. $300 - max. $1000) annually from the Ministry of Education via the TDSB for School Council operations. This money is held in school budget line GL41500 and can be accessed through your school's administrators.
You can find the amount allocated to your School Council using the drop-down menu (select school name) on the TDSB School Budget webpage.
Each School Council receives $500 annually from the Ministry of Education (Grant for Student Needs: Parent Engagement Grant) to support parent outreach. This money is held in school budget line GL41500 and can be accessed through your school's administrators.
School Councils determine the spending of the above funds. These annual funds are intended to be spent each year and do not carry over. Eligible use includes parent outreach activities, newsletters, photocopies, and refreshments for School Council meetings. Refer to this list of suggested expenses and exclusions.
School Council Innovation Grants (replaces Parents Reaching Out (PRO))
These grants come from funds provided annually by the Ontario Ministry of Education for initiatives that increase parent engagement in education
This grant funding is distributed directly to school boards through the Grants for Student Need (GSN)
The TDSB consults with PIAC, Superintendents and Trustees to distribute the funds allocated to our board. School Councils may apply through the TDSB for school grants.
Other Grants
Grant applications by schools or School Councils require the approval of the Board
A current list of approved grants can be obtained through your school's Principal or by contacting the TDSB Business Development at 416-395-9694. School Councils can also access current resource lists using their TDSB School Council Email account
The Business Development office can also assist with grant preparation, partnership opportunities, or other grant information:
Fundraising Overview
Fundraising is an optional and allowable activity of School Councils in O. Reg. 612 (s2.2)
Fundraising is defined as a local school activity that is a collaborative effort among School Councils/parents, students, staff, and the school community
All fundraising in the school’s name requires the approval of the TDSB (via your school's Principal)
Schools and School Councils that fundraise are required to create and submit an annual financial plan using the TDSB’s form (School Generated Funds Financial Plan and School Needs Assessment Form)
Parents must follow the TDSB's Policies and Procedures for fundraising, advertising, and spending. Parents may refer to the TDSB's Approved Fundraising and Fun Fair Vendors Guide or the Ministry's Fundraising Guide (PDF, 134 KB) for more comprehensive guidance
For help negotiating fundraising ideas and initiatives contact TDSB Business Development at 416-395-9694 or
Eligible and Non-Eligible Fundraising Targets
School Council, working with the Principal, decides how fundraising proceeds are to be spent. The spending targets should be determined BEFORE a fundraiser takes place.
Parents may fundraise for extracurricular programs, events, or supplies that enhance the educational experience. Parents may not fundraise for supplies or curriculum materials that are provided by the Ministry of Education. A list of eligible and non-eligible expenses is included in the TDSB Guide for School Generated Funds and the Approved Fundraising and Fun Fair Vendors Guide.
TDSB-Approved Vendor List
Use the TDSB Approved Fundraising and Fun Fair Vendors directory (PDF, 540 KB) of suppliers and vendors for events and purchases. To seek approval of a new vendor, contact TDSB Business Development at 416-395-9694 or email
TDSB Insurance for School Council Activities
The regular activities of a School Council (e.g. meetings of council or subcommittees, council events) are covered by existing TDSB general liability insurance. For more information about School Council Insurance, download the School Council Insurance Program Summary.
Sponsorships often involve pre-determined benefits for the sponsor and must adhere to the TDSB Advertising Policy and Procedures. For more information or approval of a sponsorship contact TDSB Business Development at 416-395-9694 or email
School Cash Online
The TDSB offers School Cash Online, a versatile and safe way for parents/caregivers to pay for their children’s school fees, including agendas, yearbooks and class trips. If your School Council is interested in using School Cash Online for collecting payments or donations, you may do so through the Office Administrator in your school office. Please connect with your Principal to set this up.
Financial Accountability
All fundraising activities conducted by parents must be approved by the School Council and the school's Principal.
Fundraising and spending activities are reported to the TDSB in the School Generated Funds Financial Plan and in annual financial reports. These reports may be prepared by the School Council or in collaboration with the school administrator. A School Generated Funds Financial Plan and PSAB (Public Sector Accounting Board) template (year-end report) are available from the TDSB to assist School Councils in reporting their finances.
Manual Accounting Forms: Manual Register Template (XLS, 54 KB)and Manual Reconciliation Template (XLS, 11 KB)
To obtain a current copy of the Guidelines For School Council Funds (PDF, 1 MB) or assistance in interpreting or implementing TDSB Fund procedures, contact the Finance Support team at
School Councils have several banking options and are responsible for management of the required records.
The TDSB provides a list of contact details of Finance Support Officers for School Councils, as well as School Council financial training opportunities.