School Council Engagement
Engaging Parents and Caregivers in your School Council
How do we get parents interested in our School Council?
More parents are attracted to School Council when the council is a body that supports families. Make your council a welcoming place that embraces positive relationships and collaboration with your school community. Draw parents to your council by focusing on why they may want to be involved: helping students thrive. School Council planning should incorporate the two arms of your mandate (as defined in O. Reg. 612): improving student achievement, and enhancing the accountability of the education system to parents. Evaluate the needs of your school using the School Improvement Plan (SIP) (PDF, 2.3 MB), staff & family input, your School Profile, and feedback from School Committees.
Research has shown that what parents and caregivers do at home is what impacts student achievement. Find out who your parents/caregivers are so you can choose meaningful council activities that support student success. Build parent capacity using communication methods and times that are appropriate to your community. Bring the parent/caregiver voice to school by representing parent knowledge on the required School Committees.
Supporting families and building trusting relationships within your WHOLE school community will lead to broader Parent/Caregiver Engagement. Consider the information in this Inclusive Engagement workshop video for ideas on how to look beyond traditional ideas of family engagement for your School Council.
Developing Deeper Parent/Caregiver Engagement
Incorporate some of these ideas into your School Council meeting schedule to build family capacity.
Invite a teacher to speak at your School Council meeting about education initiatives being used in the classroom
Invite your school Social Worker to speak about the Mental Health issues most commonly faced at your school
Support families with Well-Being events (Mental Health workshop, nutrition demonstration, family Yoga Night)
Host a meeting where the Principal unpacks the Student Census data for parents
Help parents/caregivers understand school with targeted support events (family Math Night, School Improvement Planning session, Course Selection presentation)
Organize a school community event (potluck dinner, karaoke night, family dance) that does not involve fundraising
Use your Social Media platform to build relationships (multi-cultural Recipe Share)
Ask the Principal to explain the school budget
Invite your Public Health Nurse to present – a variety of free sessions
Watch this workshop video for an in-depth look at engaging parents/caregivers.
Promoting your School Council
Connecting with parents/caregivers and recruiting new members can be a challenge for any School Council. Take every opportunity to let your families know what you’re doing to support student success.
Meet and Greet tables at school events (concerts, open houses, parent-teacher interviews)
Post on school bulletin boards and signs
Send out email and phone messages on the school's automated messaging system
Keep council information current on the school website
Morning coffee or hot chocolate in the schoolyard (kindergarten yard, iWalk or Eco days, at the front doors for orientation days)
Provide dinner and childminding for School Council meetings
Develop a list of volunteer roles so parents know what to expect - from small commitments (providing baked goods, volunteering a half hour of time, one-time classroom duties) to larger roles (Council positions, consultations, school committees)
Speak at school events (new parent orientations (kindergarten, Grade 9), Curriculum Night, school concerts)
Build home-school relationships by including/inviting staff to participate in your community events
Your Principal can apply to TDSB Continuing Education Dept. for parent workshop funds by contacting